0 Prologue: King of Pirates (D)
Probably the firsts questions that you will ask yourself are: Why is he writing, what is this all about, why am I reading this now….
All is about a plan that you don’t understand, the causality is not more than the fruit of the performed actions in an unconscious way that you are not able to comprehend, even in shape or meaning, and your subconscious is the most elevated form of it.
Do not be worried or overwhelmed, all your questions and doubts will be answered if you keep reading and advancing chapter by chapter, of course, only if you give me your most valuable asset, your time: Everything has a price to be paid and a currency exchange.
This is the first lesson you should learn, time & freedom is all you can dream with, and the capacity to comprehend the moment you belong to, how you use it as your currency exchange and how the world work, will make you able to understand the past, forecast the future, and be in front of the ignorance majority, the 99,9% of the world.
Along this trip, you can name me as ZeroTrader, this word is in regards to many personal meanings and situations I have lived, and all together, have put me here, ready to teach you how to start from Zero as many times I did.
This is my story, and the revelation of the truth behind one of the most hidden curtains of the world, that took me years to understand and sharing it will make you able to see the light of more things than you can even imagine in your whole life.
“This is about the stock market, about trading and freedom, but it’s not at the same time. It is about everything, about the world, the masses, the humans, the psychology, the survivance, the manipulation… and the most important, it is about being a better version of yourself and knowing the truth.”
Before ending this prologue, you may ask yourself: why “King of Pirates”. Well, this is about one of the best stories created in humanity, One Piece.
In today’s world, society, companies & schools think that most valuable people are the smart ones, the ones more capable, the best football players, the most known people, actors, rich people… Intelligence, strength, charisma, dexterity, social position… Features as solidarity, honor, respect, discipline, equality, and wisdom have been forgotten and buried inside a trunk in the deepest hole in the sea.
The society valuable qualities, doing a metaphor, let’s call it as devil fruits, are not more than secondary characteristics without meaning if you don’t have something else, something essential.
I have born without any of these qualities, but with the most essential and valuable ones: the infinite spirit, perseverance, honor, respect, “the power of will”, and the ability to die and borning infinite times in the same life making me able to start from Zero as many times as it requires, and that’s why I am and I will be the Pirate King.
My respect only belongs to some, the ones willing to continue even when there is no path to advance.